Friday, September 6, 2013

Letterpress Yard Sale September 14

On Saturday, September 14 Oregon College of Art and Craft's Book Arts Department will hold a "Letterpress Yard Sale" in the college's courtyard and in the Book Arts Studios from 10am - 3pm

Proceeds will help fund improvements in the Book Arts Department.

We will soon be updating our blog at, along with the OCAC Facebook page with pictures of items for sale.

Some of the items for sale will be:
- a 5"x8" Kelsey table-top press
- an Adana hand press
- a 28" x 20" standing press
- boxes of cans of oil based ink
- boxes of misc. furniture
- slug/lead cutters
- type, including 17 cases of Lydian
- metal sign type
- much, much more!

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